You are currently viewing GIT Command: 11 Perintah Paling Populer

GIT Command: 11 Perintah Paling Populer

Berikut ini Eduidea telah merangkum 11 daftar perintah GIT yang paling umum digunakan oleh para developer untuk melakukan perubahan pada repository.

Git: Working with Repository

1. Clone repo

git clone [repo]

2. Pull repo

git pull

3. Add changes

git add [path]

4. Commit changes

git commit -m "description"

5. Push changes

git push origin [master/branch name]

6. Check repo url

git config --get remote.origin.url

Working with Branch

7. Check current branch location

git branch -a

8. Change branch location

git checkout [branch name]

9. Create branch and directly move to new branch

git checkout -b [branch name]

10. Delete branch

git branch -d [branch name]

11. Change branch name:

git branch -m [old name] [new name]

Untuk mencoba menjalankan git command ini, kita bisa memulainya dengan cara membuat repository di Github

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