Iphone volume buttons not working are often unexpected and can be annoying. Not being able to turn down the volume while playing a video or song is annoying. If your iPhone button is not working properly, you should fix it as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are many solutions, and you can do it yourself.
1. Make sure the Iphone Volume button is turned on
Some people may not realize it, but there are settings that enable and disable your iPhone’s volume buttons. This setting is already enabled by default on all devices, but it’s possible that someone can turn it off without realizing it. To check, go to Settings > Sounds &; Haptics and enable Change with Buttons .
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2. Remove your Iphone from its case

In some cases, your case may interfere with the volume buttons. This is especially true in cases that have built-in coatings or screen protectors. Simply remove your iPhone case and try your volume buttons again. If it now works, you just need to replace the new case.
3. Clean Your iPhone Volume Buttons Using Alcohol
You use your phone too much so dirt and grime can sometimes get inside the buttons, especially when you’re not using the case. So, press your button several times to check if your button is stuck. You may need to clean it if it gets stuck or doesn’t seem to be pressable.
To clean the volume buttons, take a cotton swab and dip it in isopropyl alcohol. The best option for cleaning electronics is 99 percent isopropyl alcohol, as it dries quickly and does not contain much water. Use a cotton swab to clean around your volume buttons as best you can.
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4. Control Your iPhone Volume Without Using Volume Buttons

If you use an app like Spotify, you can control the volume within the app without physical buttons. If all else fails, there is still a way to control the volume without using buttons. The easiest way is to use Control Center.
You can open Control Center and adjust the volume by swiping down from the top-right corner of your iPhone. If your iPhone has a Home button, you need to swipe the screen from bottom to top.
5. Fix Your Volume Keys
If cleaning the buttons and resetting iPhone doesn’t fix the volume buttons, you most likely need to repair the buttons. This is especially true if you’ve recently damaged your iPhone or been exposed to water.
From : https://www.makeuseof.com/iphone-volume-buttons-not-working/